Conditions (For ITU as the Host Institution):
Physical mobility must last between 5 and 30 days.
A mandatory virtual component must be included.
A workload of at least 3 ECTS must be defined (minimum 75 hours of workload).
At least 3 higher education institutions from 3 programme countries must be involved.
At least 15 participants must be included.

Note: Local participants, staff involved in programme implementation, and participants from third countries not related to the programme cannot be counted towards this number.

The total budget for each project is limited to €6,000.
This grant covers the preparation, design, development, implementation, and monitoring of the BIP programme, as well as the preparation of physical and virtual activities and overall coordination.
Examples of eligible expenses under this grant include:

  • Production of training materials,
  • Venue rental,
  • Equipment rental,
  • Field visits,
  • Communication activities, translation, etc.

For the latest BIP announcement, click here.

To be a host institution, project applications must be submitted along with the Evaluation Form to the email address by April 18, 2025, at 5:30 PM.
For the Evaluation Criteria, click here.

Example of a BIP:
Three higher education institutions (TR, DE, BE) organize a BIP with 10 days of physical mobility and 20 days of virtual mobility.
Antwerp University (sends 8 students) + Berlin University (sends 7 students) --> ITU (Host Institution)
ITU receives an institutional support grant of 6,000 Euro from the Turkish National Agency.
Antwerp University covers the individual support grants for 8 students from its own KA 131 budget.
Berlin University covers the individual support grants for 7 students from its own budget. 

Example BIP Programme:
Selection of an engaging and current topic
Identification of active trainers who can deliver courses
3 ECTS (minimum 75 hours of workload)
40 hours (in-person) + 5 hours (virtual)
30 hours for assignments, report preparation, course preparation, and practical work

28 June - Program and Team Introduction
05 July - Cornerstones of Sustainability
12 July - Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture

22/07/2024 - Monday
10.00 Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture
Coffee Break
13.00 Global Warming and Its Impact on Natural Resources
15.00 Renewable Energy Technologies
Coffee Break
17.00 Smart Agricultural Applications
18.00 Good Agriculture Practices for Safe Food and Sustainable Agriculture
20.00 Welcome Dinner

23/07/2024 - Tuesday
09.30 Organic Farming
Coffee Break
11.00 Crop Rotation
14.00 Soil Management
Coffee Break
16.00 Plant Protection in Sustainable Agriculture Bioproducts
Coffee Break
17.00 Role of Biotechnology in Sustainable Agriculture
19.00 Meeting with ESN Team

24/07/2024 - Wednesday
09.30 Waste Recovery
Coffee Break
11.00 Biodiversity and Zero Hunger
14.00 City Tour

25/07/2024 - Thursday
09.00 Visit Vocational School (Lecture)
Social Program (Trips)

26/07/2024 - Friday
19.00 Farewell Dinner