KA131 Staff Mobility (Program Countries)

Documents Required to be Uploaded to the Application Portal:

1. Mobility Agreement: Must be completed on the computer. It must include your own signature and the signature of the authorized person at the other institution. The 'Sending Institution' section of the document will be signed by the ITU International Relations Coordinatorship after your delivery to our office. For this document, wet signatures or electronic signatures are acceptable.

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Agreement for Training
It is a full-time activity and grant payments are made for the periods of full-time education.

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching
In order for the activity to be considered a valid activity, it is mandatory to give at least 8 lesson hours. In cases where the activity takes place for more than 1 week, the compulsory lesson hours must increase in proportion to the duration (for example, since it is mandatory to give 8 hours of lessons in an activity that will last 1 week, at least 16 hours of lessons must be given in an activity that will last 2 weeks).

In cases where teaching and training activities are carried out together, the minimum teaching period is one week or 4 hours for short-term activities.
In Staff Mobility, in cases where the participation certificate shows that the beneficiary has carried out an activity for less than 2 days and/or taught fewer hours than required, except for force majeure, the activity is considered invalid and no grant payment is made to the beneficiary.

2. Assignment Document: A request for assignment must be made with the decision of the Board of Directors, stating that mobility will be within the scope of Erasmus+ Staff Training/Teaching activity. You should add the placement result, your mobility agreement and your acceptance letter as attachments. Then please upload the decision letter from the administrative board to the system.

Please click here to access the letter dated 06.10.2024, numbered 1449385, from the Department of Personnel Affairs, which outlines the details of the “Assignment Procedures Process.”

3. Travel Health Insurance: You must have a travel health insurance that covers the period of your mobility and is valid in the country you will visit.

4. Photocopy of Passbook: Photocopy of the page containing your name and IBAN number of your passbook for your EURO account that you will open from Vakıfbank (as commissions are applied in different banks). It is recommended that you open your account for internet use.

5. Grant Agreement: Document signed by the parties (ITU and Participant)

***After you upload all required documents stated above to the Application Portal, you will receive 70% of the total grant.