KA171 Staff Mobility (Partner Countries)

Activity Area

Staff Mobility for Teaching is a field of activity that allows a staff member who is obliged to teach at ITU to teach students at a higher education institution with which we have an inter-institutional agreement in one of the partner countries. Participations to the conferences cannot be supported within the scope of the activity.

Staff Mobility for Training is a field of activity that allows any staff employed at ITU to receive training in one of the partner countries. Within the scope of this activity, it is possible for the person to receive various trainings to improve his/her skills related to his/her current job. Participations to the conferences cannot be supported within the scope of the activity. Training may be in a higher education institution or in a business. The host institution for training mobility may be a training center, research center or any other organization that fits the definition of business.

Activity Duration

The activity period of the Staff  Mobility for Teaching/Training is granted for a total of 7 days, including 5 consecutive working days and 2 days of travel support.

To be considered a valid activity, at least 8 lesson hours courses must be given for Staff Mobility for Teaching.

Staff Mobility for Training is a full-time activity and grants are paid for full-time training.

In the event that the participant has been operating for less than 5 days or 8 hours (for Staff Mobility for Teaching), except for force majeure, the activity is considered invalid and no grant payment is made to the participant.