KA171 Staff Mobility (Partner Countries)

The grant given to the staff benefiting from the Staff Mobility is a contribution, and the grant is not intended to cover all the expenses related to the period spent abroad. The final amount to be paid for the mobility period is determined by multiplying the number of mobility days with the daily grant amount valid for the country of destination and adding the travel contribution to this amount.

Each participant is allocated Individual Support and Travel Support.

  • Individual Support is 180 Euro Daily for Staff
  • The "Distance Calculator" mandated by the National Agency will be used in the travel expense calculations of the participant. After the calculation in question, the travel grant will be calculated by using the table below for the km earned for the distance between 2 points. The number of kilometres in the distance calculator is the round-trip



10-99 km

20 €

100-499 km

180 €

500-1999 km

275 €

2000-2999 km

360 €

3000-3999 km

530 €

4000-7999 km

820 €

8000 km and above

1.500 €

No Grant (ZERO Grant) Staff

If the staff wishes, they can participate in the activity without receiving any grant. In order to benefit from the activity without any grant, an application must be made and the application must be evaluated together with other candidates. Failure to receive a grant is not a reason for staff not to be included in the selection process.