KA171 Student Mobility for Studies (Program Countries) - Incoming Students

Nomination Procedure

Students must be nominated by their home university exclusively through the online nomination tool. Please note that nominations submitted via email will not be accepted.

If you have not received an email containing the password and instructions for the nominations, please contact our office at erasmus_incoming@itu.edu.tr

Nomination Deadlines:

  • Fall Semester / Full Year: 01 May

  • Spring Semester: 01 November

Application Deadlines:

  • Fall Semester / Full Year: 01 June

  • Spring Semester: 01 December

Steps to Nominate Your Students:

  1. Click here to nominate your students.

  2. Log in with the password provided in the email.

  3. Choose the mobility type (e.g., KA131).

  4. Enter the personal information of the student, ensuring all names and surnames match their passport exactly.

  5. It is important to include an alternative email (ending with .com or .net) for the students.

  6. Select your country to find your institution and the relevant agreement. Students should be nominated for the subject area defined in the agreement.

  7. Fill out the contact person information and submit the nomination.

  8. To nominate additional students, repeat these steps.

If you need any assistance during the process, please feel free to contact our office at erasmus_incoming@itu.edu.tr