KA171 Staff Mobility (Partner Countries)

Each year, "ITU Erasmus Office ICM" applies for funding from the Turkish National Agency by preparing acomprehensive project application package. Upon the evaluations, the project application results are announced and ITU Erasmus Office ICM receives a certain amount of budget. 

Based on this information, the partner universities from the project regions are shortlisted according to a number of criteria, such as the ongoing partnership profile, the incoming/outgoing mobility balance and the first-time participating institution priority etc. After this, ITU Erasmus Office ICM works on the details of staff call, as a result of which the exact number of staff with scholarship is made certain. ITU Erasmus Office ICM  informs its partners through direct emails about the number of staff which can be accepted at ITU Erasmus Office ICM under Erasmus+ KA171 program and the partner universities are also expected to open up staff selection after the official information by ITU Erasmus Office ICM.

Depending on ITU "Erasmus Office ICM" project budget, each semester (Fall/Spring) and academic year, the partner universities from which the staff can be accepted are up to change. Therefore, the partner universities are always asked to receive information from "ITU Erasmus Office ICM" prior to informing their staff. For example, one of ITU Erasmus Office ICM Unit partner university might have received the email to open up a call to send 2 staff to ITU in a semester; however, in the upcoming academic year(s), due to such developments as the addition of more partners in the same region, lessening of overall project budget for the same regions etc, the number of staff for the same university changes. In conclusion, the partner universities are kindly asked not to assume in each semester or academic year, they can be allocated the same quota for staff mobilities with scholarship.

The partner universities cannot exceed the allocated number of staff WITH SCHOLARSHIP. The partner universities can select staff WITHOUT SCHOLARSHIP, which will be ZERO-GRANT/SELF-FUNDED Erasmus+ students. The staff will still need to prepare all the required documents regardless of their grant status.

We kindly expect our partner institutions not to organize a selection process unless we inform them about the availability of funding and quotas; nominations without the prior information and confirmation of ITU are not accepted. So, please wait for our confirmation before organizing a selection process for any mobility type.
If you do not receive any e-mail from ITU Erasmus Office ICM, this will most probably mean that there is no available grant for your country/institution (the Erasmus+ KA171 budget is on country/region based). For our partners who have a strictly determined calendar for the staff selection, we still recommend them to contact us before opening a call to receive information about the quotas within the Erasmus+ ICM program. 

The grant given to the staff benefiting from the Staff Mobility is a contribution, and the grant is not intended to cover all the expenses related to the period spent abroad. The final amount to be paid for the mobility period is determined by multiplying the number of mobility days with the daily grant amount valid for the country of destination and adding the travel contribution to this amount.

Each participant is allocated Individual Support and Travel Support 

  • Individual Support is 140 Euro Daily for Staff
  • The "Distance Calculator" mandated by the National Agency will be used in the travel expense calculations of the participant. After the calculation in question, the travel grant will be calculated by using the table below for the km earned for the distance between 2 points. The number of kilometres in the distance calculator is the round-trip
 Obtained “km” value Travel Support
 10-99 km 23 €
 100-499 km 180 €
 500-1999 km 275 €
 2000-2999 km 360 €
 3000-3999 km 530 €
 4000-7999 km 820 €
 +8000 km 1.500 €

A Sample of Grant Calculation

For a visit from Bosnia Herzegovina for 5 working days, the total grant is calculated as follows:

Daily Grant: 140*5 (mobility days) + 140*2 (travel days) = 980 €

Travel Grant: 275 €

Total Grant: 1255 €

Staff receive 70% of their total scholarship at the beginning of mobility and the rest 30% is provided at the end of the mobility. However, the initial scholarship payment takes around 1 weeks after the necessary procedures are completed. We suggest them bring enough money for their possible expenses for the time period until they receive the scholarship payment. Incoming staff do not pay a fee at ITU; however, they are responsible for making their personal expenses. 

Opening a Bank Account in Turkey

We would like to provide you with further details regarding the payment options for your grant: You have two options available for payment. The first option is to make the payment from your home country to a Euro bank account that you hold. Alternatively, you may opt to open a new Euro bank account from Turkey for the transaction. Please be advised that there may be a deduction for transfer fees when making a payment to a bank account from your home country.

Opening the Turkish Euro Bank Account

According to banking regulations of the country, non-Turkish customers must submit the following:
      ➤ Letter from ITU Erasmus Office ICM
      ➤ Tax number (Vergi kimlik numarası)
In order to obtain a Turkish tax number, please visit one of the tax offices (Vergi Dairesi) in Taksim or in Şişli or get it online via the link. After completing the necessary procedures and documents, please visit our office to finalize the grant agreement.

***“Zero Grant staff also have to deliver all required documents to our office and sign the Grant Agreement before their Erasmus+ mobility periods.***

**After completing the necessary procedures and documents, please visit our office to finalize the grant agreement.**

Erasmus Staff Mobility without Grant (Zero-Grant):

It is possible to participate in Erasmus staff mobility programme without a grant. Those staff members who would like to participate in the programme without a grant need to submit an application and their applications need to be evaluated along with all the others. Those participants with zero grant also have to fulfill rights and obligations of the program.

Additional Grant for Disabled Participants:
For disabled participants, it is possible to receive additional grants to meet their specific needs. In order for the disabled staff to be given additional grants, ITU Erasmus Office ICM is required to request additional grants from the Turkish National Agency. The applications for additional grants should be made during the term of the contract, but in any case up to 60 days before the contract end date. The Turkish National Agency will evaluate each application specifically and determine whether the additional grant can be granted, and if so, the appropriate grant amount.