KA131 Staff Mobility (Program Countries)

Erasmus+ extends beyond Europe, allowing for mobility from and to other parts of the world (between 33 Program and 84 Partner Countries). Program Countries are those countries participating fully in the Erasmus+ program. Turkey is one of the 33 Program Countries. Partner Countries cover the rest of the world outside the European Union.

Erasmus+ KA171 Project supports student and staff exchange by encouraging cooperation with higher education institutions and organizations within
the partner countries. There are different types of activities within the project, such as study and traineeship for students, and training and teaching mobility for staff.

• Skills and employability are increased.
• Innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, knowledge exchange and/or multidisciplinary teaching and learning are encouraged.
• Strategic partnerships between higher education institutions are established.
• Institutional capacities are strengthened.
• Transnational partnerships between Education, Training and Youth institutions and organizations are supported in order to build bridges between the education and business worlds.

Activity Area:
Staff Mobility for Teaching (STA)
is an area of activity that allows a staff member from a partner university in one of the program countries with which we have an inter-institutional agreement to teach students at Istanbul Technical University (ITU). In order to conduct teaching mobility, there must be a bilateral Erasmus+ agreement between ITU and the partner institution.

Staff Mobility for Training (STT) is an area of activity that allows a staff employed at a partner university to receive training at ITU. Within the scope of this activity, it is possible for the person to receive various trainings to improve his/her skills in matters related to his/her current job. Conference participation cannot be supported within the scope of the activity. In order to conduct training mobility, there must be a bilateral Erasmus+ agreement between ITU and the partner institution.

Duration of the Activities: 

According to KA171 program rules, duration of teaching mobility ranges from 5 days to 2 months (max.) excluding travel time. However, as the Program budget allocated to ITU changes every year, the maximum duration of the teaching mobility may subject to change. In order to learn the exact durations, applicants need to check the list of available budget/quota for each country, which will be specifically announced in each application call.

According to KA171 program rules, duration of teaching mobility ranges from 5 days to 2 months (max.) excluding travel time. However, as the Program budget allocated to ITU changes every year, the maximum duration of the teaching mobility may subject to change. In order to learn the exact durations, applicants need to check the list of available budget/quota for each country, which will be specifically announced in each application call.

For those countries which have a budget to support more than one week, it may be possible to allocate the whole budget for one teaching staff, if there is only one applicant. In case of having more than one application, the available budget will be shared among applicants according to program rules.

For one-week (5 working days) participation, the teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week. For teaching activities that will last more than one week (5 working days), the minimum teaching hour must be calculated in proportion to the minimum requirement (e.g., 16 hours/10 working days, 24 hours/15 working days). If the teaching activity/teaching hours last less than the minimum requirements (minimum 8 hours for one week) the activity is considered as void by the funding body and the grant payment will not be made for the related activity.

The activity must take place until the end of related project term, which will be announced by ITU. For instance, mobilities conducted within the framework of 2022-2025 project term, the teaching activity must be finalized by 31 July 2025.