KA131 Student Mobility for Studies (Program Countries) - Outgoing Students

Grant Amounts and Grant Distribution Criteria

    The grant provided to the student is calculated using the "Beneficiary Module (BM)." The mobility duration is determined based on the start and end dates of the activity. However, this does not mean that the entire mobility period will be funded. The maximum limits for the grant payment will be determined according to the decision of the ITU Senate outlined below:

Success Criteria:For participants on a one-semester mobility, a minimum of 21 ECTS credits must be completed. For participants on a two-semester (one-year) mobility, a minimum of 42 ECTS credits must be completed from courses at the host institution. If these requirements are not met, the participant acknowledges that they will not receive the remaining 20% of the grant.

  • In line with the budget allocated to our university, in order to provide equal opportunities to all participants and to make positive discrimination to education levels and departments that have not previously participated in mobility activities and/or have been in low numbers, after calculating the final scores in line with the evaluation criteria in the Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Study call text, undergraduate and graduate education separate quotas are determined for each level.
  • In order to encourage Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Study at the postgraduate level, grants are distributed by taking into account the ratio of the total number of postgraduate students for the academic year to the total number of ITU students. In this process, student final scores, determined on the basis of the announced evaluation criteria, are ranked from highest to lowest, independently of the program, and student grants are provided.
  • Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Study grant at the undergraduate level is determined according to the ratio of the number of students of each department to the total number of ITU undergraduate students. Taking into account the announced evaluation criteria, the students who will be granted grants are determined by ranking the final scores of the students on a departmental basis, from highest to lowest.
  • After the granting processes mentioned above, if an Erasmus Grant remains unused, the amount in question is transferred to the students waiting for a grant, based on their final score and preference rankings, regardless of the level of education and department.
  • In order to distribute Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Study budget allocated to our university effectively and to enable more students to benefit from mobility, the mobility of students who are entitled to participate in the mobility as a "grant" is based on the "partial grant" method in accordance with the Application Handbook. In this context, students who will be designated as "grantees" will be granted a grant for a maximum of 5 (five) months of their total mobility period, regardless of their term preferences. While students who will have a mobility period of less than 5 (five) months will be granted a grant based on the "actual stay" period, students with a mobility period of 5 (five) months or more can receive a grant for a maximum of 5 (five) months. If our students in this situation prefer, they can benefit from mobility for two semesters (two semesters) and benefit from the program as a "zero grant" Erasmus student in the second semester.

“2025 Contribution Agreement between Türkiye and the European Commission has not been signed yet. For this reason, being selected for mobility with or without a grant as a result of your application within the scope of Erasmus+ Student Mobility does not constitute an acquired right. "Whether you will receive a grant or the amount of your grant will be finalized when the agreement to be signed with the European Commission and the subsequent grant allocation processes to be allocated to your university are finalized, and your university or the Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any material or moral losses that may arise from delays or disruptions in the said agreement processes."

Erasmus+ KA131 Student Mobility for Studies grant amount is as below:    

Country Groups Host Countries Monthly Grant (Euro)
1st and 2nd Group Program Countries Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, South Cyrprus, Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Greece, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia 600
3rd Group Program Countries Bulgaria, Crotia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia 450

    • Student Mobility for Studies to Countries Not Related to the Program (International Mobility)
    • Travel grant amounts to be applied to student mobility
    • Additional Grant Support for Student Mobility

If you have any questions or issues regarding grants or financial matters during or after the mobility process, please contact:
Email: erasmus_finance@itu.edu.tr
Phone: +90 212 285 76 53, 55