KA131 Student Mobility for Studies (Program Countries) - Outgoing Students


APPLICATION PROCESS Students' application process for Erasmus+ programs Detail
BEFORE MOBILITY Procedures that students must follow after they are accepted to the Erasmus+ program Detail
DURING MOBILITY Procedures that students must follow during mobility in the Erasmus+ program Detail
AFTER MOBILITY Procedures that students must carry out after mobility in the Erasmus + program Detail
  • All departure document procedures must be completed at least one week before departure to allow time to resolve any issues. It is recommended to finish the documentation process before the summer break.
  • Students should keep copies of all documents in their Erasmus files.
  • Documents submitted to consulates must be no older than three months. The ITU International Relations Coordination - International Exchange Programs Office does not provide visa document assistance.
  • Documents requiring the Institution Coordinator’s signature must be submitted to our office at least three business days in advance. Documents cannot be submitted earlier. To avoid delays, please do not wait until the last minute for signatures, as there may be time needed for corrections.