KA131 Student Mobility for Studies (Program Countries) - Outgoing Students

Who Can Participate in the Erasmus+ Programme?

Anyone who is registered as a full-time student at ITU (except undergraduate students in English preparation level).

If it has benefited from higher education mobility activities in the 2014-2020 and/or 2021-2027 Erasmus+ periods within the current education level, the total duration must not exceed 12 months with the new activity.

Previously elected students who did not engage in any Erasmus+ student exchange and cancelled (withdrawn) their applications by following the cancellation procedure. The students who applied for an Erasmus+ exchange in a previous application period but were not elected/accepted.

The students, who benefited from an Erasmus+ exchange with grant support in a different education level, can once again participate in an Erasmus+ exchange without facing any reduction. However, in accordance with the rules of the Turkish National Agency, in addition to the academic achievement and foreign language result average; While calculating the academic success and foreign language score averages of students who have previously benefited from mobility within the scope of the Lifelong Learning Program or Erasmus+ within the same education level, a 10-point reduction is applied for each activity previously benefited from (without distinction between education and internship). In case of previous use, the application of -10 points is not applied to the mobilities carried out in the previous education level. It is applied if a student who has completed mobility applies again within the same education level.

In the case of applying for both Study and Internship mobility at the same time; It will be left to our students' choice in which mobility the "10 points" deduction will be applied will be left to our students' choice. Our students, who are in this situation, will write a petition about which mobility they prefer to be applied reduction,and uploading this petition together with the Application Form, to the National Agency Application Portal is required. If a student who has previously benefited from mobility applies for both study and traineeship at the same time, a deduction of "20" points is applied for the type of mobility that she/he used before and "10" for the second type of mobility she/he applied for.


The evaluation will be made based on Turkish National Agency rules and ITU Senate decisions. Those applications, which cannot fulfill the election criteria will not be taken into evaluation.

The participation of undergraduate students, who are registered to their 7th and 8th semesters, depends on the approval of their Department Erasmus Coordinators due to the requirements of the graduation project. These students can participate in this mobility but the final project may not be taken during the Erasmus+ exchange mobility.

Each student who was selected as an Erasmus+ exchange student must benefit from his/her right within the relevant academic exchange period under the quotas of the Department/Programme s/he is elected for. The student, who gave up his/her exchange right by following the cancellation procedure (regardless of the cancellation reason), cannot transfer that right to the following exchange period(s). Nevertheless, the student can still apply for another Erasmus+ exchange in the following application periods. However, s/he will again be subjected to election processes.

Under the terms of Turkish National Agency, the students, who were elected to be an Erasmus+ exchange student but did not benefit from this right and did not carry out the cancellation procedure in the previous academic years, will be subjected to a 10 point reduction from their final election scores for the 2024-2025 applications.

Double Major students can apply to Erasmus+ exchange only for single programme. Double Major students who have graduated from one programme can apply for Erasmus+ for the other registered programme.