KA131 Student Mobility for Studies (Program Countries) - Outgoing Students


Erasmus+ KA171 Project
supports student and staff exchanges by promoting collaboration with higher education institutions and organizations in third countries not associated with the Programme. The project encompasses various activities, including study and internship opportunities for students and training and teaching mobility for staff. Within this scope:

  • Skills and employability are enhanced.
  • Innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, knowledge exchange, and/or multidisciplinary teaching and learning are encouraged.
  • Strategic partnerships are established between higher education institutions. 
  • Institutional capacities are strengthened.
  • Transnational partnerships between Education, Training, and Youth institutions and organizations are supported to build bridges between education and the labor market.

Activity Areas:

Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments enables academic staff at ITU, who are required to teach, to deliver lectures at a higher education institution:

  • In EU member states or Programme-associated countries holding an ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education).
  • In Programme non-associated countries recognized as higher education institutions by relevant national authorities and having signed an Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement.

This activity also allows staff to jointly carry out academic or educational activities with the host institution. Participants may engage in teaching activities at partner higher education institutions abroad.

  • Teaching assignments are day-based activities, and grants are provided for the days on which teaching is conducted. Therefore, the teaching program must be specified in the Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA) - Mobility Agreement on a daily basis.

Staff Mobility for Training offers ITU personnel the opportunity to receive training at:

  • A higher education institution with an ECHE in EU member states or Programme-associated countries.
  • Higher education institutions recognized by the national authorities of Programme non-associated countries and having Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements.
  • Any public or private organization active in the labor market or in education, youth, research, and innovation sectors.

This activity allows participants to enhance their professional skills through various training programs, such as job shadowing and observation periods related to their current work.

  • Training activities are full-time programs, and grants are provided for the days on which full-time training is received. Therefore, the training program must be specified in the Staff Mobility for Training (STT) - Mobility Agreement on a daily basis.