KA131 Öğrenim Hareketliliği (Program Ülkeleri)


Application Portal Link: https://turnaportal.ua.gov.tr/giris

Click for the Application Guide.

Documents Required to be Uploaded to the Application Portal:

1. Transcript (Current dated and approved - Mandatory Document)

Get and upload the barcoded transcript via e-government.

Students who apply for the first semester at the Master's and Doctorate level and who do not have a transcript from the higher education institution can use the graduation grades obtained at the previous higher education level. Get and upload the barcoded document via e-government.


You are required to complete your course registration for the 2023-24 Spring Semester and have it reflected on your transcript. Otherwise, your application will be invalid.

Candidates are required to check their Cumulative Academic Grade Point Averages, which are automatically withdrawn from e-government in the Erasmus application system, and if they differ from the transcript they have uploaded, they must contact our office.

2. Foreign Language Certificate (Mandatory Document)

Details about the foreign language certificate are stated in the Selection Criteria section.

If you have any, please upload the documents listed in articles 3, 4, 5 and 6 with barcodes via e-government.

3. Martyr/Veteran Family card (if available)

4. Disability Health Board Report (if available)

5. Protection, care or shelter order document (if available)

6. Those who themselves or their first degree relatives receive disaster victim assistance from AFAD (if any)