KA131 Traineeship Mobility (Program Countries - Outgoing Students)
  1. The student must be a full-time student enrolled in a higher education program at any of the formal education levels (first, second or third level) within the higher education institution (except undergraduate language preparatory students).
  2. You can benefit from the Erasmus+ internship within 12 months following graduation, provided you apply before graduation. (Project deadline should be taken into consideration)
  3. Within the current education level, if the student has benefited from higher education mobility activities in the 2014-2020 and/or 2021-2027 Erasmus+ periods, the total duration with the new activity must not exceed 12 months
  4. Students who have previously applied to the Erasmus+ program but whose application were not accepted/selected
  5. Students who have benefited from the Erasmus+ program can become Erasmus+ students once again with a grant at a different education level. However, in accordance with the rules of the Turkish National Agency, in addition to the academic achievement and foreign language result average; While calculating the academic achievement and foreign language score averages of students who have previously benefited from mobility within the scope of Erasmus+ within the same education level, a 10-point reduction is applied for each activity previously benefited from (without distinction between education and internship). In case of previous use, the application of -10 points is not applied to the mobilities carried out in the previous education level. It is applied if a student who has completed mobility applies again within the same education level.
  6. If there is an application for both Study and Internship mobility at the same time and the student wants to apply for both, it will be left to our students' choice in which activity the "10 points" deduction will be applied. Our students in this situation must write a petition stating which activity they prefer to have reduction applied to and upload it to the Turkish National Agency Application Portal (https://turnaportal.ua.gov.tr) together with the Application Form  . If a student who has previously benefited from mobility applies for both education and internship activities at the same time, "20" points will be deducted from the type of mobility he/she previously benefited from, and "10" points will be deducted from the second type of mobility he/she applied for.

ATTENTION:  Double major students can apply for Erasmus+ from only one major in the same application period. Double major students who have graduated from their first major can apply and do mobility in their second major.