KA131 Traineeship Mobility (Program Countries - Outgoing Students)

It is a mandatory requirement for all applicants to be selected by their Home University as part of the Erasmus+ Traineeship programme.

Students interested in a traineeship period at ITU must apply by submitting the form. Applications sent by e-mail will not be considered.

Based on the subject area of interest, Find a supervisor through this link and inform the Erasmus coordinators (in cc). If you do not receive any response, please be in contact with the relavant Erasmus coordinator.

  • The Learning Agreement for Traineeships (LAT) signed by the home institution, the student and the academic supervisor on behalf of ITU.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Make sure that you have a health insurance that is valid in Turkey covering the entire duration of the stay. Contact your home University Erasmus+ Office in order to check what has to be done concerning your international health insurance.
  • Certificate of accident and third party liability insurance covering the entire duration of the stay. All trainees are strongly recommended to take out liability and accident insurance cover on their own, prior to arrival to Turkey.
  • Copy of an ID / passport
  • Passport-size photograph